Creating a Video or Movie…it can be fun

Vasundhara Music Leave a Comment

Use your talent and have fun...
Carnatic Music...a Delightful Vista

Creating a Video or Movie…it can be fun

Creating a video can be quite simple; or it can be a project we work on using our talents. Either way, creating a video is fun. It is literally and figuratively creating a work of art. The process itself is the real happiness. The end result is that you are providing others with something worthy and worthwhile.

I sing in different languages. But I am not an expert in some of them. So when I create a video, it is an important project for me. I do research for the contents of the song. I work hard to get meanings for the words. When they are available, I bless those sites! But almost all the times, they are not easily available. So I look up dictionaries for those languages to get the meaning of difficult words in those poems. Then I check if those words make sense in the context they are used in the song.

I can imagine, you are breathing a sigh of relief that the end has arrived. No way! This is where the real work starts. I start searching and searching and searching different sites for beautiful wallpapers and pictures that are capable of expressing the imagination of the poet or my imagination and vision, but not untrue to the words of the songs.

Okay! This is it! Hm…..? Who said so? Now I have to create the video, with the slides in the right places, with appropriate transitions and effects and what not! After that, well, I am a software engineer. I am supposed to know that quality control is most essential in any project. So I play and replay until all glitches and faults are removed, if any!

Now we are done, right? Yes! We are really done. The feeling I have now is wonderful. The creative work I did will hopefully be useful to someone. Usually I am very critical of myself. So when I see that I myself am able to enjoy it, that means I did my job well. And that’s all that matters. The outcome is not under my control.

I believe that creative work is good for the brain and for the mind, if it is fun doing it. It does something positive that is inexplicable. The results may not be tangible, but your self-worth increases. So I suggest to those who like to be suggested, do creative work that you like once in a while. Do the best you can, not the best someone else can. Your work need not be complicated. You don’t have to be an expert to do it. It has to be good. That’s all! It is bound to make you happy.

The only downside to this is that I keep showing my videos to people I love, but now they are making themselves scarce to me! I am just kidding! They are very appreciative. Really!

Use your talent and have fun...
Carnatic Music...a Delightful Vista
VasundharaCreating a Video or Movie…it can be fun

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