Time Flies Time Flies. You may think you have a lot of time left in life. But life is unpredictable. So don’t waste your life on useless matters, people who make you restless and brooding over the past. Think Positive. Live today fully knowing that you will be taken care of.
Say Sorry Asap
Say Sorry Asap Mistakes happen. Everybody makes mistakes. That’s Okay. But what’s not okay is not saying you are sorry, sooner or later. So you blew up. May be you were tired. May be you were angry or frustrated. The other person may react to you the same way, perhaps for the same reasons, or may be cool and subdued. …
You are Unique
You are Unique You are unique. No one like you. Either you can use this amazing fact to make yourself and those around you happy, by seeing the positive things in yourself and your life, Or you can make yourself and those around you miserable, by seeing the negative things in yourself and your life.
Give in for happiness
Give in for happiness In a relationship or marriage, getting along is more important than proving a point, or always doing what you like. Proving your point may give your ego a boost, but not doing what pleases your companion may ruin the day, or perhaps the relationship. Be smart, and give in a little for the sake of happiness.
There is a Purpose
There is a Purpose There is a purpose for you in this world. That means you are as important as everyone else. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise or put you down in any way. Be yourself and help yourself for your purpose to be fulfilled.
Everything is fine
Everything is fine Everything is fine, as it happens, whether you like it or not. Whenever the mind tells you otherwise and complains, be firm, and tell it to take a hike.
No need to convince others
No need to convince others Regarding your trivial likes and dislikes, if you are convinced about something, you can suggest that to someone. But if they are not receptive to it, there is really no need to convince them. You have your way; let them have thier own. Sometimes we give too much importance to people. Clashing with others for …
Kindness is the criteria
Kindness is the criteria When you are looking for a mate, one to share your life with, or one to get married to, make “Kindness” in that person the main criteria. If he or she is also a professional, rich, good looking and talented, that’s great. But these may not last or may not matter that much after a while, …
Tolerance does good for everyone
Tolerance does good for everyone Tolerance is following the motto “Live and Let Live!”. Tolerance is just understanding another person’s beliefs, practices and habits without necessarily accepting them or following them. Tolerance is letting others do things their way sometimes.
Double standards main cause of misery
Double standards main cause of misery If people don’t have double standards, this world will be such a happier place to live in. Most of the misery and clashing between people is because of double standards. Why should there be one set of rules for a person or a set of people, and another set of rules for everyone else? …
Do things for the right reasons
Do things for the right reasons We should do things for the right reasons. The best reason to do something is because it is useful and makes us happy and peaceful. If we do something just for praise and fame, there is a chance we may get disappointed. But if we do it because we like it, because it is …
I am always there
I am always there The popular saying is “I think, therefore I am!” But I don’t think in sleep. Does it mean that I don’t exist in sleep? The truth is I am there in sleep, dream and waking. I am always there, whether I think or not.