Men and Women, Can we be Friends? Let’s face it, Friends! Women and Men… We are in this together. In whatever angle you look at this subject, it is essential that human beings of both these genders exist in this world. The opposite sex…yes, sometimes we cannot live with them and sometimes we cannot live without them!! That’s OK, though. …
Using foul language…what’s the big deal
Using filthy words…what’s the big deal There are times when I get irritated, annoyed or frustrated by someone or something. But in the culture in which I was brought up and the family background makes it impossible for me to say any bad words. I get mad and want to say something to express it angrily, but the worst I …
We love ourselves more than others…but…
It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own. Marcus Aurelius What a revealing, thoughtful statement! Many times it is so true too, isn’t it? There are many of us who are by nature self-confident and we can act with self-confidence and mental strength. Under any …